Data Blocks

The Data Blocks section contains pre-designed data visualization and structured content elements, such as charts, progress bars, tables, and tabbed content. These components help in presenting information in a clear and organized manner, enhancing user experience and readability.

Used for e-commerce websites to showcase and sell products/services.

Key Features:

  • Collection Form
    • A form for users to submit data, such as contact details, feedback, or inquiries.
    • Useful for creating signup forms, inquiry forms, and user-generated content sections.

  • Data Table
    • Displays structured information in a tabular format.
    • Ideal for pricing tables, comparison charts, product lists, or statistical data.

  • Tab Content
    • Organizes content into tabbed sections for better navigation.
    • Suitable for displaying multiple categories of information within a compact layout.

  • Charts & Progress Bars
    • Helps visualize data through graphs, progress indicators, and dynamic metrics.
    • Useful for performance tracking, analytics, and statistical insights.

These blocks help speed up website development by allowing users to drag and drop elements without coding.