HTTP Request (Activity)

  • Purpose: To send an HTTP request to an external web service or API from within a workflow.

  • Functionality: The "HTTP Request" activity allows your workflow to act as an HTTP client. You can configure various aspects of the HTTP request, including:
    • URL: The target URL of the web service or API endpoint.
    • Method: HTTP method to use (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
    • Headers: Custom HTTP headers to include in the request.
    • Body: Request body data (for POST, PUT, etc.), which can be configured with various content types (JSON, XML, form data, etc.).
    • Authentication: Settings for authentication if required by the target API.
  • Use Cases:
    • Integrating with External APIs: Connecting workflows to third-party APIs (e.g., payment gateways, CRM systems, social media APIs, data services) to retrieve data or trigger actions.
    • Data Retrieval from Web Services: Fetching data from web services and using it within the workflow.
    • Inter-Service Communication: Workflows can communicate with other internal services or microservices via HTTP requests.