For Each (Activity)

  • Purpose: To iterate over a collection of items (e.g., a list, array, or data set) and execute a set of activities for each item in the collection.
  • Functionality: The "For Each" activity implements a "foreach loop" structure. You configure it with:
    • Collection: The data collection to iterate over (e.g., a list of customers, a dataset of orders, a list of files).
    • Loop Body: The set of activities that will be executed for each item in the collection.
    • It provides access to the current item being processed within each iteration of the loop body, allowing you to work with individual elements of the collection.

  • Use Cases:
    • Data Processing of Collections: Processing each item in a list, array, or dataset (e.g., validating each customer record, processing each order in a list, transforming each file in a directory).
    • Iterating over Query Results: Looping through the results of a database query or API call to process each retrieved record.
    • Handling Lists of Objects: Performing actions for each object in a collection, such as sending individual emails to a list of recipients or updating each item in an inventory list.