Get Authorization Url (Activity)

  • Purpose: To generate an Authorization URL that is used to initiate the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow for Microsoft Graph.

  • Functionality: This activity creates a URL that redirects a user to Microsoft's authorization endpoint. When a user clicks this URL (typically in a web browser), they will be prompted to log in to their Microsoft account and grant permissions to your application (workflow). The activity needs to be configured with:
    • Client ID: The Application (client) ID of your registered Azure AD application that is configured to access Microsoft Graph.
    • Redirect URI: The URL where Microsoft will redirect the user back to after successful authentication and authorization. This URI is typically within your application or workflow environment.
    • Scopes: The Microsoft Graph permissions (scopes) that your workflow needs to access (e.g., Mail.Send, User.Read, Calendars.ReadWrite).

  • Use Cases:
    • Initiating OAuth 2.0 Flow: Starting the process of obtaining user consent and authorization to access Microsoft Graph resources on their behalf.
    • User Authentication for Microsoft 365 Integration: Enabling workflows to interact with Microsoft 365 services that require user context and permissions.
    • Generating Login URLs: Creating URLs that can be embedded in emails, web pages, or applications to initiate the Microsoft Graph authorization process.