Verify Turnstile Token

The Cloudflare section in ELSA provides tools to integrate Cloudflare Turnstile, a service designed to protect your application from bot traffic and ensure interactions are from legitimate human users. These activities allow workflows to incorporate bot detection and security measures seamlessly.

Overview of Cloudflare Activities

This section includes activities that enable you to verify Cloudflare Turnstile tokens within your workflows:

Verify Turnstile Token:

  • The Verify Turnstile Token activity is used to validate a token generated by Cloudflare Turnstile.
  • It takes a Turnstile token as input, typically obtained from a client-side integration in your application (e.g., a web form).
  • Upon execution, this activity sends the token to Cloudflare's servers for verification.
  • Based on the verification result (valid or invalid token), your workflow can proceed along different paths, allowing you to control the flow based on whether the interaction is likely from a human or a bot.
  • Useful for workflows that need to ensure human interaction before proceeding, such as form submissions, account creation, or access to protected resources.