Purpose: The PROPERTIES panel, located on the top right sidebar, is used to configure and customize the settings of selected workflow elements.
Context-Sensitive Properties: The content of the Properties panel is context-sensitive. It changes to display the properties of whatever element you have currently selected on the Workflow Canvas. This could be:
Workflow Properties: When you click on the canvas background (deselecting any specific activity), the Properties panel will show settings for the entire workflow itself (like "Name", "Description", "Activation strategy", "Incident handling strategy", "Persistence settings", as seen in the screenshot).
Activity Properties: When you select a specific activity on the canvas, the Properties panel will switch to display the configurable properties specific to that activity type. For example, if you select a "Send Email" activity, you would see properties for recipient addresses, subject, body, SMTP settings, etc.
Configuration Interface: The Properties panel provides the user interface (form fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, etc.) for modifying the settings and behavior of workflows and individual activities.